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There is a serious surplus in China's drone market, the reshuffle will be worse than mobile phones.

In moments, many friends post their drone driver's license. I wonder, apart from getting a driver's license, will everyone have to take a drone driver's license in the future? 

This also proves the popularity of the drone market from the side. Statistics show that about 20, 000 drones were sold in 2014, and it is expected that China will sell 290000 drones annually by 2020, with more than 300 companies engaged in drones. From the perspective of development prospects, UAV has been used in aerial photography, express delivery, post-disaster search and rescue, data collection and other fields, indicating that the development potential of UAV is huge. 

So why is the drone market flooding into so many companies? What are the main aspects of the competition among drone enterprises? 

The improvement of supply chain lowers the threshold of UAV market. 

In May 2016, Xiaomi launched a drone with a price of only 2499 yuan. In the live broadcast of the press conference, Xiaomi drones appeared as "bombers" and fell freely from the air. This makes the already hot press conference even more "hot". 

After the incident, some netizens joked that Xiaomi drones are "bombers", but the accuracy of the "bombers" can be controlled. 

Why do so many drone companies suddenly emerge in China? Is there really no technical threshold for drones? In fact, this is mainly due to the maturity of the supply chain. Just like Xiaomi Air notebook just released, Lenovo, Shenzhou quickly released almost exactly the same products. 

(toy drones). 

In China, the supply chain of mobile phones and computers is so mature that companies can buy solutions without much research and development, and then find contract manufacturers to produce them. Similarly, in the field of UAV, the aircraft model industry has developed for more than a decade, and the parts of aircraft models such as frame, motor, electric adjustment and other products have a complete supply chain. 

Even the core flight control systems have foreign APM, Pixhawk, CC3D and other open source flight control to choose from, so it is very simple to build a "model level" UAV. 

Some start-ups see the popularity of investment in the drone market, so they produce drones through the model industry chain just to get financing. I still remember that an electric car company called X Man claimed to overtake Tesla, and it was revealed that the frame on display at the press conference was removed from Tesla. 

Cheating has become the straw that blew up China's entrepreneurial bubble, and the drone industry is no exception. 

The drone industry will repeat the development of the mobile phone market. 

Once upon a time, hundreds of brands competed in the mobile phone market. This also benefits from the maturity of the technical solution and the modularization of the product, which lowers the threshold for entry. Coupled with the crazy growth of user demand in the mobile phone market, although there are many brands, they can get some sales. 
However, with the upgrading of mobile phones from functionalization to brand, experience and technology, a large number of companies without R & D strength and resource integration ability have died. 

The same is true of the drone market. At present, hundreds of companies are competing for the market, among which there are a large number of "aircraft model" enterprises. They either do not have the ability to research and development, or just get angel round investment, and are still struggling to find a "next" investor. At a time when capital markets are getting colder, it is clear that it is not so easy to get investment. As a result, a large number of drone entrepreneurs will reveal their true colors.